Alpine Fresh Blackberry Facts
Alpine Fresh Blackberries are 100% Tupy Varitey.
Alpine Fresh moves approximately 9 million units of blackberries annually.
Product Information
The blackberry is an aggregate fruit that is composed
of many smaller fruits called drupes. The fruit is very
dark purple with smooth, fragile skin. In the middle of
the cluster is a greenish-white core that extends to
almost the bottom of the berry. Blackberries can be
easily confused with raspberries, but raspberries
(including black raspberries) have a hollow center.
Blackberries were enjoyed by the ancient Greeks, who
believed them to be a cure for diseases of the mouth
and throat, as well as a preventative against many
ailments, including gout. Blackberries are red and
hard when they are immature and turn black and
shiny when they ripen.
Temperature: 32°F
Humidity: 90 - 95%
Notes: High quality blackberries are free of injury,
decay, caps, and sunscald; are fully black in color;
appear and feel turgid; and are of regular shape.

4.4 oz (125 grams)
6 oz (170 grams)
12 oz (340 grams)
18 oz (510 grams)
Growing Regions